
Functional mushrooms have a known history of use in traditional medicine that spans back thousands of years. Different cultures around the world have incorporated various species of mushrooms into their healing practices, having recognised their potential health benefits.

Here are a few examples of the historical use of functional mushrooms:

  • Functional mushrooms such as Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis), and Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) have been integral to TCM for over 2,000 years. They are believed to promote vitality, boost the immune system, and support overall well-being. Reishi, in particular, is often referred to as the "Mushroom of Immortality" in Chinese culture.

  • In Ayurveda , which has ancient roots in India, mushrooms such as the Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) have been used for its potential health benefits including immune support and vitality. These mushrooms are often considered adaptogens, helping the body to restore balance

  • Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula Edodes) have been used in Japanese traditional medicine for centuries. They are valued for their potential to enhance immune function and promote cardiovascular health.

  • Cordyceps, known as "Yartsa Gunbu" in Tibetan, has been used for centuries in Tibetan traditional medicine. It was traditionally consumed to increase energy and stamina and to support lung and kidney health.

  • Indigenous peoples in North America have utilised various wild mushrooms for their medicinal properties. For example, the Turkey Tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor) has been used by Native American tribes for its potential immune-boosting properties.

These examples highlight the long-standing cultural and historical significance of functional mushrooms in traditional healing systems. The knowledge of their benefits has been passed down through generations, and modern research continues to explore and validate many of the health-promoting properties attributed to these mushrooms. This enduring tradition of use underscores the credibility and interest in functional mushrooms as valuable components of holistic health and wellness.

myfungi mushrooms



Lions Mane, Cordyceps, Reishi, Royal Sun Blazei, Guarana

  • ‘The power of Four’ - Combining the individual medicinal benefits of x4 functional fungi into a single formulation results in a wider range of diverse supportive benefits to support you through your days

    Energy and Focus - Designed with a dual purpose, MYDAY mushrooms provide both cognitive benefits such as improved focus and memory, as well as combining specific energy related benefits providing endurance and stamina.

    Immunity - All of the four mushrooms, particularly Reishi and Royal Sun Blazei are known for their immune-boosting properties. They support the daily modulation of the immune system and support overall wellness.



Lions Mane, Poria (Hoelen Spirit), Lavender, Mugwort

  • Supporting your ‘Lights Out’ routine - Lion’s Mane and Poria (Hoelen Spirit) mushrooms specifically have been selected to support your night time routine, providing benefits including the supercharging of your bodily repair cycle when asleep.

    Calming properties for the end of your day - Combining both Lion’s Mane and Poria fungi results in a natural calming of your body and mind, calming those racing thoughts, destressing your body whilst supporting digestion in preparation for a deeper, more restful slumber.

    Herbal beneficials - With the addition of Mugwort and Lavender, MYNIGHT has been designed to be your all round sleep aid supplement. Mugwort is known to support lucid dreaming, whilst lavender is well known for its sleep aid properties.


  • Functional mushrooms, also known as medicinal mushrooms, are a category of mushrooms that are consumed for their health benefits. They contain bioactive compounds that may support various aspects of well-being, such as immune health, stress reduction, cognitive function, may support a variety of health related conditions as well as support bodily repair during sleep and help maintain energy levels.

  • Functional mushrooms are considered safe when consumed in moderation. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific health concerns, taking medication or you have any specific medical questions.

  • Functional mushrooms are legal to sell and consume in the UK because they do not contain psychoactive compounds like psilocybin, which are found in "magic mushrooms." Functional mushrooms are generally recognised as safe dietary supplements or food ingredients, and they are available in various forms, such as capsules and from Q1 myfungi will add Sublingual sprays, tinctures and a natural vape application.

  • Our scientific fully vertically integrated product development methodology encapsulates non-standard and unique fungi extraction processes that output the highest concentration of biocompounds and active ingredients. This has provided our scientific team the platform to ensure we are launching with market leading formulations of the highest quality that deliver the maximum bioavailability and bioaccessibility of each consumer application.

  • No, functional mushrooms should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. While they may offer health benefits, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

  • We are formally launching, early 2024, where our full range of products will be available.

  • 1. Rise and Shine Early:

    Set your old fashioned digital alarm clock (not your phone) a bit earlier than usual. Waking up with the sun not only aligns with your natural circadian rhythm but also gives you extra time for self-care. Research shows if you start the most important hour in your day without your phone, and take care of what really matters first, your energy, mood and health will benefit. Save the social media scrolling for dead time later in your day. Don’t sacrifice the gift of of a naturally better start.

    2. Mindful Breathing & Stretching:

    Before you even get out of bed, take a few minutes for deep, mindful breathing and stretching. Inhale positivity, exhale negativity. This practice will help you center yourself and reduce stress, and will soon start to feel like a lie-in anyway.

    3. Mindfulness Meditation:

    Spend a few minutes meditating to clear your mind, reduce stress, and enhance focus. It's like a mini-vacation for your brain. And you can do it in your bed, or looking out at nature…better yet, do it in nature.

    4. Shock the system: Get Loud & Get Cold!

    Whether you roll, stumble, or hop out of bed, the greatest gift you can give yourself is a double dose of positive energy: killer tunes and the amazing benefits of cold therapy. Our DJ’s have taken the time to create the perfect tracks to get you motivated and to help you step into the magic of getting cold early. An ice bath, with Wim Hoff breathing, is the ultimate kick start for your body….but a cold shower, with a killer tune playing, will do the job too.

    5. Set Your Intentions:

    Before you dive into your day, take a moment to set your intentions. What do you want to achieve today? Having a clear purpose will boost your motivation.

    6. Hydrate Your Body:

    Start your day by hydrating your body. A glass of water with a squeeze of lemon will work wonders in flushing out toxins and kickstarting your metabolism. If you overdid it last night, drink another liter of water, and add some electrolytes from clean brands like NUUN and X….

    7. Exercise:

    Whether it's a brisk walk, yoga, a quick workout, or just some jumping jacks while dancing around to your favorite song, get your body moving. Exercise releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones that will set a positive tone for your day.

    8. MyDay - Your Natural Energy Boost:

    Here's where MyDay comes into play. MyDay combines the natural power of fungi and guarana to provide a sustained energy boost without the jitters or crashes associated with caffeine. Say goodbye to those mid-morning slumps! Just swig two MyDay caps and add a couple of drops of the MyDay tincture to boost your metabolism and your mood even more.

    9. Fuel Your Body:

    Your body needs nourishment to function optimally. If you’re not fasting, opt for a healthy breakfast with a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Include some fruits and vegetables too.

    10. Share the Love: Connect with your Loved Ones:

    Share a moment with your family or loved ones, even if it's just a quick chat or a hug. Positive social interactions will boost your mood.

  • 1. Limit Caffeine and Heavy Meals. Make the switch to MYDAY to get natural energy:

    Avoid caffeine and heavy, spicy, or rich meals, especially in the evening. These will disrupt your digestion and make it harder to fall asleep. That caffeine that got you going earlier in the day is one of the reasons you trouble to sleep at night. It’s why we created the MYDAY line of natural fungi products in the first place.

    2. Set a Consistent Sleep Schedule:

    Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency helps regulate your body's internal clock. We know its hard to do, and none of us is perfect, but if you make a concerted effort here you’ll be amazed at the benefits.

    3. Sleep-Conducive Environment:

    Make sure your bedroom is a sleep sanctuary. Keep it cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows to maximize your comfort. We love our lavender pillow cases and gorgeous MYNIGHT sleep masks.

    4. Screen Curfew:

    An hour before bedtime, put away those screens—phones, tablets, and laptops. The blue light emitted will interfere with your body's production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. There’s no shame in admitting it, but we are all addicted to our screens… and we are exposed to more images each day than our ancestors saw in a lifetime. When your phone is by your bed it’s almost impossible for your subconscious mind to forget about social media or emails from colleagues. We know its hard to physically separate from your phone especially; its why we have created MyFungi device chargers for outside of the bedroom, and good old fashioned digital alarm clocks to make sure you wake up on time and fully refreshed.

    5. MYNIGHT - Your Ultimate Natural Sleep and recovery Aid:

    MYNIGHT is your secret weapon here! Take MYNIGHT an hour before lights out. Our MYNIGHT products are your passport to a tranquil night's sleep. MYNIGHT has been specifically formulated to super boost the body’s repair cycle while asleep. Packed with your nightly dose of Lion’s Mane and Poria (Holean Spirit) It harnesses the power of these amazing functional mushrooms to help you relax and restore. We added Mugwort to support lucid dreaming and lavender as a natural sleep aid to create the ultimate all in one natural sleep aid.

    6. End the Day right with a Gratitude Journal:

    Before closing your eyes, jot down a few things you're grateful for. Ending the day on a positive note will help you sleep better and wake up in a more positive mindset.

    7. Evening Ritual:

    Create a calming evening ritual. It could be reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing gentle stretching or yoga. Find what relaxes you.

    8. Dim the Lights & put on a MYNIGHT unwind soundtrack:

    As bedtime approaches, start dimming the lights in your home. Soft lighting signals to your brain that it's time to wind down. Our team of DJ’s have created the perfect mixes of pre-sleep relaxing music to help you unwind and to set you up for a greats night sleep.

    9. Mindfulness Meditation:

    Practice a short mindfulness meditation before bed. Focus on your breath and let go of the worries of the day. This will calm your mind and reduce stress.

    10. Relaxation Techniques & hypnotherapy powered by MYNIGHT 8D Audio:

    If your mind is racing with thoughts, use your wireless headphones (without keeping your phone or laptop in your bedroom) to play our MYNIGHT 8D audio sleep tracks that will help with progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing exercises, and a gentle ASMR audio massage for your subconscious mind to ease you off to sleep and help to give you the greatest sleep and dreams of your life.

    MYNIGHT, along with these simple but powerful steps, is your ticket to rejuvenating sleep and a refreshed start each morning. Any doctor or pro athlete will tell you that sleep is the foundation of your overall well-being and performance. By embracing this 10 step routine, you're not just improving your sleep; you're transforming your life. With MyFungi's MYNIGHT, a restorative night's sleep is within your reach.

    You can purchase MYNIGHT here.

  • Yes, at any time. The email you recieve when you subscribe, has a link to cancel at anytime. However to benefit from the 33% off for lifetime deal, the subscription must run for at least 3 months. Please note the subscription will run after 3 months until cancelled.

  • Yes! We are working up a very cool range of T-shirts, caps, socks and more that will be available for purchase when we launch in Q1, 2024.

  • Yes.

    We are currently capital raising and engaging with investors. If this is of interest, please email us at myinfo@myfungi.com

  • Word of mouth is amazing for any new brand launching in the market, so please share the myfungi love with you buddies. We also would appreciate product reviews and will be sharing a feedback questionnaire with customers who purchase our capsules. Please also follow us on instagram here.

  • Shipping generally takes just a few days, depending on how busy the postal service is. We send first class signed for. We ship throughout the UK and EU, however EU shipments generally take around a week to arrive.

  • Our uplifting MYDAY playlist can be streamed via Spotify using this link here. Our MYNIGHT playlist can be streamed via Spotify here.